Nikki's Art Space Gallery, Shop 3, 11-13 Avalon Pde, Avalon, 2107
This is a minimal, coastal print of Newport Beach Headland in Sydney, Australia


Discover our contemporary artworks, in regular A format. Masterfully created from Original Oil Paintings by Nikki Quarry. Choose your desired size and colour. Select from Premium Art Paper, Rolled Canvas, or Ready to Hang Canvas for easy wall display. Explore framing options to complement your style. Prints arrive safely rolled in a cylinder for your convenience. Create a personalized and stunning art collection for your space.

Square Prints

Discover the allure of square format prints, showcasing original artworks handcrafted in oil and wax mediums on Canvas, by the artist Nikki Quarry. Choose your desired size and colour. Select from Premium Art Paper, Rolled Canvas, or Ready to Hang Canvas for easy wall display. Explore framing options to complement your style. Prints arrive safely rolled in a cylinder for your convenience. Embrace artistic mastery with square format prints, perfect for bringing enduring beauty and charm into your space.


Experience the beauty of original artworks by Nikki Quarry, handcrafted in oil and wax mediums on Canvas, ready to hang and signed by the artist on both front and back. For unframed pieces, framing options are available upon request. Embrace the essence of artistic mastery and bring these captivating creations into your space for an enduring and cherished display. Artworks not already framed have a framing option by request, please contact us and sign up to our newsletter to hear of our latest releases.

Canvas Prints Framed in Oak

Indulge in the exquisite beauty of our designs, expertly printed on high-quality stretched canvas and framed in solid Oak timber. Each piece exudes sophistication and elegance, making it a stunning addition to any space. Choose from a variety of sizes to suit your preferences and bring a touch of timeless charm to your decor. Elevate your surroundings with these captivating and cherished pieces that celebrate the art of fine craftsmanship.


Capture cherished memories with a personalized commission of a scene dear to you or your loved ones. Whether it's a beloved view, a special building or home, or a favourite travel destination, this thoughtful and unique gift commemorates a special moment in time. Perfect for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, and Christmas, these custom artworks make unforgettable presents that will be treasured for a lifetime. Embrace the sentiment and artistry behind these commissions, and give the gift of everlasting memories to your nearest and dearest.


Discover our elegant frames for paper prints, available in natural, black, and white finishes, with your choice of glass or perspex. For a seamless look, pick-up is available exclusively from our Avalon studio. Contact us for more details.
For a truly bespoke touch, explore our custom-made natural, black, and limewash timber floating frames, available for original and canvas prints. Enjoy the convenience of shipping options to have your personalized artwork delivered straight to your door. Reach out and contact us for further information and to place your order. Elevate your art display with these exquisite frames that enhance the beauty of your cherished prints.

Gift Cards

With an Art from the Beach gift card, you can treat your special someone to the perfect gift for any occasion. Let them choose from our wide selection of captivating artworks, capturing the beauty of coastal paradises and beyond or a painting/drawing lesson in Nikki's Art Space in Avalon. Whether it's for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, or any other celebration, this gift card is the ideal way to express your love and appreciation with the gift of art and inspiration. Give the gift of creativity and let them discover the perfect piece that resonates with their heart and soul.

Coming Soon

Exciting new artworks are on the horizon, featuring Shelly Beach, Fairy Bower, Manly, and The Rocks. Sign up for our newsletter below to be the first to know when these captivating pieces are available. Don't miss the chance to bring the beauty of these coastal destinations into your space with our stunning art. Stay informed and inspired with our latest releases and be ready to add a touch of coastal charm to your collection.

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